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sharkeater 专栏 今日: 0|主题: 1377|排名: 62 

版主: sharkeater
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结合实战,学一点小知识 attachment  ...234 sharkeater 2004-7-22 23:13 3133176 smiles 2006-12-20 02:32
11 - 20 - 06 Sharkeater 欧元 (跟踪指导三周,含英镑及相互交叉盘) - [售价 120 个Y刀] attachment  ...23456..42 sharkeater 2006-11-19 08:40 41499987 Juling888 2006-12-18 09:47
to juling888 KL 2006-12-13 10:25 17436 Juling888 2006-12-13 11:13
11 - 21 - 06 Sharkeater 欧元/美元 attachment agree  ...234 sharkeater 2006-11-21 08:34 3730787 鹦鹉 2006-12-10 15:42
10 - 30 - 06 Sharkeater 美元/日元 (附欧元/日元及英镑/日元,跟踪指导三周) - [售价 120 个Y刀] attachment  ...23456..17 sharkeater 2006-10-30 05:13 16555412 sharkeater 2006-11-28 23:11
11 - 20 - 06 Sharkeater 美元指数,以及近期汇市主要货币波动倾向 attachment agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-11-20 06:28 2523721 壹叶知秋 2006-11-27 18:53
11 - 22 - 06 美元/日元 (短线) attachment agree  ...2 sharkeater 2006-11-22 09:03 1316107 旦旦 2006-11-22 21:50
10 - 25 - 06 Sharkeater 欧元 (附英镑,及欧元/英镑,跟踪指导三周) - [售价 120 个Y刀] attachment  ...23456..32 sharkeater 2006-10-25 04:32 31484633 chuan 2006-11-19 09:34
11 - 14 - 06 Sharkeater 美元指数 attachment agree  ...234 sharkeater 2006-11-14 08:15 3933927 Juling888 2006-11-19 02:23
11 - 7 - 06 Sharkeater 英镑 attachment agree  ...234 sharkeater 2006-11-7 13:36 3027806 lovhl 2006-11-10 10:44
11 - 3 - 06 Sharkeater 英镑 attachment agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-11-3 07:57 2322367 we509 2006-11-6 21:53
11 - 2 - 06 Sharkeater 现货黄金短线上涨波动示意和发展倾向 attachment  ...2 sharkeater 2006-11-3 03:37 1015285 想做狼的羊 2006-11-5 16:06
10 - 30 - 06 Sharkeater 汇市行情提示 agree  ...234 sharkeater 2006-10-30 03:06 3429734 Juling888 2006-11-2 11:26
10 - 2 - 06 Sharkeater 美元/日元 (附欧元/日元及英镑/日元,跟踪指导三周) - [售价 120 个Y刀] attachment  ...23456..28 sharkeater 2006-9-30 22:30 27074384 syota 2006-10-28 18:35
10 - 17 - 06 Sharkeater 图解美元/日元 attachment agree  ...234 sharkeater 2006-10-17 06:57 3427865 wlwtr 2006-10-28 18:02
10 - 20 - 06 汇市行情提示 attachment agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-10-20 07:17 2423040 九天银河 2006-10-26 14:15
10 - 19 - 06 Sharkeater 美元/加元 attachment agree  ...2 sharkeater 2006-10-19 07:06 1919773 syota 2006-10-26 08:42
10 - 3 - 06 Sharkeater 欧元 (附英镑,及欧元/英镑,跟踪指导三周) - [售价 120 个Y刀] attachment  ...23456..26 sharkeater 2006-10-2 23:23 25469821 sharkeater 2006-10-25 03:55
10 - 18 - 06 英镑/美元 attachment agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-10-18 08:07 2220797 syota 2006-10-21 07:05
10 - 16 - 06 美元指数,与 欧元 attachment agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-10-16 07:01 2622041 Juling888 2006-10-17 01:21
to sharkeater KL 2006-10-11 00:14 913404 KL 2006-10-13 17:54
10 - 10 - 06 Sharkeater 美元指数波动结构示意图 attachment agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-10-10 00:07 2421264 aijian 2006-10-13 16:15
9 - 29 - 06 Sharkeater 澳元 (局部,短线) attachment agree sharkeater 2006-9-29 08:39 99770 大放 2006-10-9 22:25
10 - 5 - 06 Sharkeater 近期汇市行情提示 agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-10-5 07:39 2221127 wenjun 2006-10-9 11:10
9 - 4 - 06 Sharkeater 欧元 (含英镑,欧元/英镑,跟踪指导三周) - [售价 100 个Y刀] attachment  ...23456..26 sharkeater 2006-9-4 13:55 25165407 shenda 2006-10-1 11:04
9 - 5 - 06 Sharkeater 美元/日元 (含英镑/日元,欧元/日元,跟踪指导三周) - [售价 100 个Y刀] attachment  ...23456..7 sharkeater 2006-9-5 10:41 6427448 kwokd 2006-9-30 19:39
9 - 14 - 06 Sharkeater 美元/加元 attachment  ...2 sharkeater 2006-9-14 04:23 1114767 kwokd 2006-9-29 09:43
9 - 27 - 06 Sharkeater 图解欧元波动形态及操作建议 attachment  ...2 sharkeater 2006-9-27 12:58 1515587 Connor 2006-9-28 16:14
9 - 13 - 06 Sharkeater 美元/瑞郎 attachment  ...23 sharkeater 2006-9-13 05:33 2426934 Juling888 2006-9-22 19:50
9 - 18/19 - 06 Sharkeater 美元指数 attachment agree  ...2 sharkeater 2006-9-18 19:50 1616515 Juling888 2006-9-22 18:45
9 - 15 - 06 Sharkeater 汇市行情提示  ...2 sharkeater 2006-9-15 10:10 1616567 jiaconfidence 2006-9-18 11:16
9 - 12 - 06 Sharkeater 美元/日元 attachment  ...2 sharkeater 2006-9-12 10:08 1416047 旦旦 2006-9-12 17:40
9 - 11 - 06 本周汇市行情提示,暨欧元波动形态和结构分析 attachment agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-9-10 07:30 2322577 sharkeater 2006-9-12 00:20
9 - 6 - 06 Sharkeate 汇市行情提示  ...2 sharkeater 2006-9-6 07:43 1616309 Juling888 2006-9-11 09:37
9 - 7 - 06 美元指数,近期的整理形态 attachment  ...23 sharkeater 2006-9-7 09:47 2020485 sage 2006-9-8 08:50
8 - 14 - 06 Sharkeater 美元/日元 (跟踪指导三周) - [售价 100 个Y刀] attachment  ...23456..10 sharkeater 2006-8-14 01:27 9132313 sharkeater 2006-9-4 23:11
今天没有行情吗?为什么各位高手这么早就偃旗息鼓了啊? aoren 2006-9-4 22:46 07226 aoren 2006-9-4 22:46
8 - 11 - 06 美元/加元短线,暨汇市行情提示 attachment agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-8-11 06:35 2926239 海上飞沙 2006-9-4 11:34
8 - 14 - 06 Sharkeater 欧元 (跟踪指导三周) - [售价 100 个Y刀] attachment  ...23456..13 sharkeater 2006-8-13 11:24 12139130 wingyang81 2006-9-2 09:03
8 - 29 - 06 Sharkeater 汇市行情提示 agree  ...23 sharkeater 2006-8-29 05:41 2723159 弟弟 2006-8-31 08:00
8 - 23 - 06 Sharkeater 美元指数后市波动框架示意图 attachment  ...2 sharkeater 2006-8-23 20:53 1616374 慕德斋 2006-8-28 19:39
8 - 21 - 06 Sharkeater 英镑短线修正波动示意图 attachment agree  ...2 sharkeater 2006-8-19 06:22 1716960 海上飞沙 2006-8-23 19:04
8 - 14 - 06 Sharkeater 汇市行情提示 agree  ...2 sharkeater 2006-8-14 10:09 1316325 zheyu 2006-8-17 20:08
新手提问 agree ywhsohu 2006-8-16 11:30 17856 sharkeater 2006-8-16 19:40
8 - 7 - 06 Sharkeater 近期汇市提示 agree  ...234 sharkeater 2006-8-7 04:43 3228134 九天银河 2006-8-11 20:12
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