外汇论坛 外兔财经



发表于 2008-12-16 11:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
下次有小孩问你时,不用再害羞了周一早上....正在冲泡着浓郁的咖啡,一个有趣的对话发生了...  |

|"Daddy? How did I come into this world?" |
「爹地,我是怎么来到这世界的?」 |

|"Well, my child, some day I'll have to  tell you anyway." |
「哦,儿子啊,总有一天我会让你知道的。」 |

|"So  why not today? Please!"
「拜托!为什么今天不行?」 |

|"OK,  but listen carefully." |
「好吧,你仔细听着!」 |

|"Mom and  Dad met each other in a cyber cafe. |
「你妈和我在网吧相遇而认识, |

|In the restrooms of that cyber cafe,dad connected to mom. | 并在网咖的洗手间你妈和我使用了超级链接, |

|Mom at that time made some  downloads from dad's memory stick. |
| 那时你妈从我的随身插硬盘下载一些数据, |

When dad finished uploading we discovered we used no firewall.  |
当我完成上传时,我们发现我们没有使用防火墙, |

Since it was too late  to cancel or delete, |
因此,想要取消或删除都已为时太晚, |

| nine  months later we ended up with a virus." |
| 就这样,九个月以后我们最终生出一个病毒。」
发表于 2008-12-17 01:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-19 01:03 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-20 00:33 | 显示全部楼层


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