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发表于 2007-11-27 15:26 | 显示全部楼层

[2007.11.22]Time to break free 分手正当此际
The dollar

Time to break free

Nov 22nd 2007
From The Economist print edition

The Middle East's oil exporters should end their currencies' peg to the dollar.


IN THE past week Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has damned it as a “worthless piece of paper” and China's premier, Wen Jiabao, has moaned that it is causing his country “big pressure”. The dollar's relentless decline—it hit a new low of $1.49 against the euro on November 21st—is prompting jibes from America's critics, jangling investors' nerves and giving policymakers headaches.

Nowhere are the dilemmas more acute than in the Gulf, where virtually all the oil-rich states peg their currencies to the greenback. The combination of soaring oil prices and the tumbling dollar is distorting their economies and fuelling inflation. When the Gulf states meet on December 3rd in Qatar, they should agree to loosen their ties to the dollar.

The argument for linking to the greenback was to provide an anchor for the region's economies, many of which are small, open and financially immature. In effect, the Gulf states import America's monetary policy. The trouble is that a fixed currency makes it hard for oil exporters to adjust to swings in the price of oil. And monetary policy in the world's largest oil-importer is not always right for those who sell the stuff.

Soaring oil prices have brought the Gulf Arabs huge riches. Their real exchange rates, as a result, ought to rise. The simplest way to do that is for the currency to strengthen, but the peg prevents nominal appreciation. Worse, the dollar itself has been falling. The result is rising domestic inflation. Some smaller Gulf economies now have inflation rates of around 10%.

What is to be done? The two most widely discussed options are to revalue or to shift to a currency basket (which Kuwait has already done). By repegging their currencies to the dollar at a higher rate, the Gulf states would alleviate some of today's inflationary pressure. But they would not address the underlying mismatch between any oil exporter and a dollar peg. Switching the peg to a basket of currencies that included, say, the euro and yen as well would give the Gulf states a bit more protection against oil-price swings, but it is hardly a perfect fit. Since most big currencies belong to oil importers, the Gulf States would still be linking their currencies to monetary conditions that may not suit them.

Eventually, the currency pegs should be abandoned. After all, developed economies that are big commodity exporters, such as Norway, allow their currencies to float. In recent years many emerging economies have shifted from exchange-rate pegs to a “managed float”. Instead of aiming for an exchange rate, their central banks have an inflation target. If the Gulf states move to a single currency, as they plan to in the next few years, that currency should surely float. But floating is not feasible in the short-term. These countries have no history of independent monetary policy and few institutions to conduct it.

Look beyond a basket

For the moment, the Gulf states are stuck with a currency peg. But they could do better than the dollar. One intriguing idea is to include the oil price as part of a basket that includes the leading currencies (see article). This would ensure their currencies absorbed some of the impact of oil-price swings.

A big uncertainty is what such a shift would mean for the dollar. In the short term, the effect on the Gulf states' appetite for greenbacks would not be dramatic, since the dollar would have a big weight in any basket. And there should not be a sudden sale of the oil exporters' dollar reserves. The worry is that the end of the Gulf states' dollar peg would send jittery investors into a panic. That risk is real. But with oil prices rising and the dollar falling, the dangers of inaction are greater. The Gulf states need to get rid of their dollar peg now.
发表于 2007-11-27 15:34 | 显示全部楼层
[2007.11.17]I scratch your back
I scratch your back
我也给你搔背(你给我好处,我也不亏待你)(you scratch `my back and ,I'll scratch `yours (saying 谚))
Nov 15th 2007 | HONG KONG
From The Economist print edition

By inviting in a Chinese bank, America hopes for reciprocity








WESTERN politicians have been banging on Asia's door demanding greater access for their banks for so long that their fists must hurt. Increasingly, however, Asians are answering back, with some justification, “What about letting our banks operate in the West?”

On November 9th, a quarter of a century after the Bank of China became the first Chinese bank to win permission to open a branch in New York, and 18 years after Bank of Communications became the second, China Merchants Bank, the country's sixth-largest bank, became the third. It was a proud moment. Its president, Ma Weihua, said that the branch licence was an acknowledgment that Chinese banks now met global regulatory standards. In fact, the approval was as much an act of faith and of political calculation as a full endorsement. With this action, American officials hope that, in turn, restrictions on foreign firms doing business in China will be relaxed, especially those that hold sway over securities trading.

America's reluctance to grant licences to foreign banks stemmed from the implosion of Bank of Credit and Commerce International in 1991. It increased with concerns over money laundering and terrorist finance. Chinese banks were a particular cause of worry because of the risk of losses from politically directed loans.

But now that China Merchants is in, several more hope to follow. The two biggest, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and China Construction Bank, have applications pending at the Federal Reserve. For all Chinese banks, earnings outside mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau are trivial. But in the past year there have been a flurry of investments, including big stakes by ICBC in Bank Halim Indonesia, Seng Heng Bank of Macau, and South Africa's Standard Bank. ICBC will not be the only Chinese bank to think that an American regulatory endorsement could be a step towards bigger things.

Bigger things have, all of a sudden, begun appearing on the horizon since a banking crisis erupted in the West. Over the past two years Western banks have made fortunes on minority investments in Chinese banks. Thanks to a stockmarket boom in China, its banks are now in a position to do the reverse. Theoretically, the biggest Chinese banks could buy Citigroup or HSBC. More realistically, they might purchase say 10% of a Western bank with weak assets.

Such a move would have a sound business logic, says a banker: Chinese banks are awash with liquidity; Western banks, thanks to the credit crunch, are short of it. Building a pipeline for the money to follow is not easy, however. Cultural barriers are huge, and non-Chinese regulators are opening a window to Chinese banks, not a door.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-27 15:38 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2007-11-27 15:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-27 15:44 | 显示全部楼层
[2007.11.15]America's vulnerable economy

Recession in America

America's vulnerable economy


Nov 15th 2007

From The Economist print edition


Recession in America looks increasingly likely. Can booming emerging markets save the world economy?


IN 1929, days after the stockmarket crash, the Harvard Economic Society reassured its subscribers: “A severe depression is outside the range of probability”. In a survey in March 2001, 95% of American economists said there would not be a recession, even though one had already started. Today, most economists do not forecast a recession in America, but the profession's pitiful forecasting record offers little comfort. Our latest assessment (see article) suggests that the United States may well be heading for recession.


Granted, GDP grew by a robust 3.9%, at an annual rate, in the third quarter. Granted also, revisions may well push this figure up. But that was the past. More timely signs suggest that the economy could stall in this quarter. By early next year, output and jobs could be shrinking. The main cause is the imploding housing market. Experts said that house prices could never fall nationwide. But fall they have, by 5% in the past 12 months. Residential investment has collapsed, but a glut of unsold homes means that prices have much further to drop. Americans' spending is likely to be dented much more by a fall in house prices than it was in 2001 by the stockmarket's collapse. With house prices lower and credit conditions tighter as a result of the subprime crisis, households can no longer borrow against capital gains to support their spending.


Dearer oil is set to squeeze households further (this week's drop in crude prices notwithstanding). Consumer confidence has already fallen sharply. It cannot be long before consumer spending stumbles, which in turn would hurt companies' profits and investment. The weak dollar will boost exports, but at only 12% of GDP, exports are too small to make up for a weakening of consumer spending, which accounts for 70%.


I want to break free


Will an American recession drag the rest of the world down with it? The economies of Europe and Japan rebounded strongly in the third quarter, but look likely to slow down. Although both should be able to keep chugging along, neither is likely to set any great pace. Strengthening currencies will hurt exporters in both places. Europe's own housing hotspots are cooling, and some of its banks have been sideswiped by America's subprime ills.


The best hope that global growth can stay strong lies instead with emerging economies. A decade ago, the thought that so much depended on these crisis-prone places would have been terrifying. Yet thanks largely to economic reforms, their annual growth rate has surged to around 7%. This year they will contribute half of the globe's GDP growth, measured at market exchange rates, over three times as much as America. In the past, emerging economies have often needed bailing out by the rich world. This time they could be the rescuers.


Of course, a recession in America would reduce emerging economies' exports, but they are less vulnerable than they used to be. America's importance as an engine of global growth has been exaggerated. Since 2000 its share of world imports has dropped from 19% to 14%. Its vast current-account deficit has started to shrink, meaning that America is no longer pulling along the rest of the world. Yet growth in emerging economies has quickened, partly thanks to demand at home. In the first half of this year the increase in consumer spending (in actual dollar terms) in China and India added more to global GDP growth than that in America.


Most emerging economies are in healthier shape than ever (see article). They are no longer financially dependent on the rest of the world, but have large foreign-exchange reserves—no less than three-quarters of the global total. Though there are some notable exceptions, most of them have small budget deficits (another change from the past), so they can boost spending to offset weaker exports if need be.


This does not mean emerging economies will grow fast enough to make up for the whole of a fall in America's output. Most of them will slow a bit next year: for instance, China's growth rate may dip to “only” 10%. So global growth will ease—which, after five years at an average of almost 5%, close to its fastest pace ever, it needs to do. But thanks to the vigour of the new titans, it will stay above its 30-year average of 3.5%.


A tale of two prices


The rising importance of the world's new giants will not only boost growth. It will also shift relative prices, notably those of oil and the dollar. And the consequences of this will be less comfortable for developed countries, especially America.


The oil price has risen mainly because of strong demand in emerging economies, which have accounted for as much as four-fifths of the total increase in oil consumption in the past five years. In past American recessions the oil price usually fell. This time it is likely to hold up. That will not only hurt the finances of Western consumers, but may also make the jobs of their central bankers harder, by combining inflationary pressure with economic slowdown.


The enfeebled dollar—lately in sight of $1.50 to the euro—would be weaker still without enormous purchases by central banks in emerging economies. This support is now waning. China and others are putting a smaller share of increases in reserves into the American currency. And Asian and Middle Eastern countries with currencies linked to the dollar are facing rising inflation, but falling American interest rates make it harder to tighten their own monetary policy. They may have to let their currencies rise against the sickly greenback, meaning they will need to buy fewer dollars. More important, as international investors wake up to the relative weakening of America's economic power, they will surely question why they hold the bulk of their wealth in dollars. The dollar's decline already amounts to the biggest default in history, having wiped far more off the value of foreigners' assets than any emerging market has ever done.


The vigour of emerging economies is good news for the world economy: for its growth, it has much less need of a strong America. The bad news for America is that this, in turn, may mean that the world also has less need of the dollar.

发表于 2007-11-27 15:46 | 显示全部楼层
[2007.11.08]Banks: Captal punishment
Capital punishment资本的惩罚
Nov 8th 2007
From The Economist print edition

American banks need to do more than let a few heads roll


SINCE the barbaric “breaking wheel” was replaced by the guillotine in 18th-century France, methods of execution have increasingly sought to end life speedily rather than inflict long agony. There can, however, be few decapitations less painful than those at big American banks. On November 4th Chuck Prince left the boss's office at Citigroup, the world's largest bank, with the “tremendous support and respect” of the board ringing in his ears, even though the firm had to write down $8 billion-11 billion in October alone (see article). A week earlier, Stan O'Neal lost his job at Merrill Lynch after leading the investment bank to a loss with $8.4 billion of write-downs. He too entered retirement not on a tumbril but in a limousine, with $160m to soothe his discomfort.
自从18世纪法国人用断头台代替了野蛮的“碎肉轮”以后,死刑就不再是一种长时间的痛苦折磨。但再爽快的死刑也不如美国大银行的斩首行动潇洒。11月4 日,世界最大银行花旗集团的主席查克·普林斯因为在10月份遭受80亿-110亿美元的损失而被迫辞职,尽管如此,董事会仍对他致以“强有力的支持和崇高的敬意”。在普林斯去职之前一星期,美林解除了斯坦·奥尼尔的职务,原因是他造成了该投资银行84亿美元的损失。美林为此付给奥尼尔1.6亿美元补偿金,所以在退休之后他大可以开豪华轿车而不是拖拉机。

However churlish you may feel about Wall Street's new axiom—“the higher they fly, the bigger the parachute”—the departure of two of America's most senior bankers in a week is a good sign. Accountability, after all, is a step towards clarity, and there are few more coveted resources in today's fog-strewn and stormy banking industry. Both departures were accompanied by revelations of much steeper losses from American subprime mortgages than either Citi or Merrill had owned up to just weeks before. That attempt at honesty may have spooked the market because it showed how unsure the banks remain about how to value their subprime-related assets, but that is no reason to shy away from such disclosures.

One worrying lesson for bankers and regulators everywhere to bear in mind is post-bubble Japan. In the 1990s its leading bankers not only hung onto their jobs; they also refused to recognise and shed bad debts, in effect keeping “zombie” loans on their books. That is one reason why the country's economy stagnated for so long. The quicker bankers are to recognise their losses, to sell assets that they are hoarding in the vain hope that prices will recover, and to make markets in such assets for their clients, the quicker the banking system will get back on its feet.

Understanding your debts  理解债务

Coming clean will be difficult, because for the time being the disclosures have provided more questions than answers. First, just how much do banks stand to lose? The latest confessions show that a whole new constellation of credit instruments, known as collateralised-debt obligations (CDOs), are far less secure than had been assumed even at the end of September. These include supposedly impregnable “super-senior” and AAA-rated tranches of CDOs that a short time ago were prized by the world's banks, insurance companies and mutual funds. In some cases their values have shrunk to a sliver of their original price since a series of downgrades by rating agencies last month. Citi, one of the biggest issuers of such CDOs, estimated this week that the losses on CDOs and other assets at other banks could reach $64 billion—to which its own potential write-downs must be added. Others estimate that overall losses linked to subprime could exceed $200 billion.

Second, do banks have enough capital to survive the crisis? At some institutions, mounting losses are making the cushions of capital held for times of crisis look increasingly threadbare. Wall Street firms and European banks use a special accounting provision for securities they consider hardest to value, which appears mainly to involve educated guesswork. On Wall Street the amount of securities in this category has ballooned and could easily wipe out the big firms' core capital if they were written down to zero—which is improbable but no longer thought impossible. To make matters worse, bond insurers, which rate America's $2.5 trillion municipal-bond market, are also up to their necks in CDOs. They were told this week that they might lose their coveted AAA ratings unless their shareholders provide more capital, which would cast a cloud over municipal bonds.
其次,银行到底有没有足够的资本来应对此次危机?对某些机构来说,越积越多的损失使它们为市场危机准备的缓冲资本变得不堪一击。华尔街和欧洲银行采用特别的会计账目来记录它们认为最难估值的证券,估值方法通常仅仅是基于经验的猜测。目前在华尔街,这类证券浩如烟海,如果它们的价值被减计为零,那么华尔街大公司的核心资本将会立马蒸发殆尽。发生这种情况的可能性较小,但绝非不可能。雪上加霜的是,债券保险人也在抵押债权凭证中泥足深陷,而它们还担当着为价值 25000亿美元的美国市政债券市场进行评级的重任。本周这些债券保险人被告知,要想维持它们所希望的AAA评级,就必须让其股东注入更多资本,这无疑为市政债券蒙上了一层阴影。

Third, how hard might the broader economy be hit? The flimsier the banks' capital base, the less freely they can lend to firms and households, putting both consumer spending and corporate investment at risk. Already there is evidence that credit conditions are tightening well beyond the housing market. A survey this week found that American banks have been tightening lending standards on everything from mortgages to commercial property to business and industrial loans. In Europe too, credit conditions have tightened. In Britain the withdrawal of a bid for J. Sainsbury, a supermarket chain, by a Qatari-backed investment group was the latest sign that life has almost been squeezed out of the buy-out business.

Batman and Rubin   蝙蝠侠和鲁宾

So what is to be done? The main task is to restore honesty, clarity and credibility as quickly as possible. Citi has turned to Robert Rubin, a former American treasury secretary once dubbed a member of “The Committee to Save the World”, to become chairman. Mr Rubin's star is a little tarnished now—he had advised Mr Prince since the latter became chief executive in 2003. The temptation for Mr Rubin and others will be to hold back from revealing the full extent of the banks' exposures to CDOs, subprime mortgages and other wilting assets. After all, there is no benefit in banking to be the first bearer of bad news, and many chief executives will be justifiably nervous of following the same route as Messrs Prince and O'Neal.

But if the banks do not come clean, regulators should push them. Auditors will apply pressure when the banks produce year-end reports. Meanwhile, those who would be screaming down a megaphone for full disclosure if the problem banks were Argentine or Brazilian should apply the same discipline closer to home.

The risk is that, as in Japan, tinkering will be easier than acting decisively. The incentives to continue pussyfooting are clear. Undue haste could cause panic. And it is comforting to believe that everything will work out all right in the end, especially if the Federal Reserve keeps cutting rates at every whiff of trouble. The higher oil and food prices go, however, the harder it will be for the Fed to respond so generously. The longer the wait, the harder the economy may fall.
发表于 2007-11-27 15:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-27 15:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-27 15:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-27 15:56 | 显示全部楼层


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