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发表于 2007-11-27 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-27 16:01 | 显示全部楼层
[2007.11.1][Business]Chinese companies:Trojan dragons
Chinese companies中国企业

Trojan dragons活跃的龙
Nov 1st 2007
From The Economist print edition

Chinese firms are taking a new approach to foreign acquisitions


THE announcement on October 25th that Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) would buy 20% of Standard Bank in South Africa for $5.6 billion was a telling example of China's new foreign-investment strategy. It achieved many objectives simultaneously, some of which are not immediately obvious. If the progress of foreign firms in China sometimes seems a bit like a game of draughts, with companies jumping over themselves to gain better positions, the advance of Chinese firms abroad is more like a game of chess. They are taking calculated steps as part of a long-term strategy.

Until recently Chinese foreign acquisitions generally involved taking majority stakes in oil, gas and commodities companies in developing markets. The largest deal, two years ago, was the acquisition of PetroKazakhstan for $4 billion. Forays into the developed world either failed or succeeded only in picking up ailing businesses, as in Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's shrinking personal-computer division. Attempts to buy stronger firms such as Unocal and Maytag in America ran aground, mostly for political reasons.

But Beijing wants Chinese firms to gain access to foreign technologies, raw materials and skills. It also has lots of money to spend. In September the government established China Investment Corp (CIC) with $200 billion of the country's $1.4 trillion in foreign reserves, mostly to make purchases abroad. Chinese-listed firms have also benefited from a surging stockmarket and are flush with credit.

So the Chinese have adopted a new approach. Majority control is now less important. China Minsheng, the country's first privately owned bank, bought 9.9% of UCBH, an American bank, in September, and China Development Bank has acquired 3.1% of Barclays, a British bank. Influence and access to skills are regarded as more valuable than control. Small stakes are both educational and more feasible politically.

Direct holdings are also less important. Chinese buyers are happy to make investments in intermediate companies, which can be used to take other, less obvious stakes in other businesses. CIC has already invested in Blackstone, an American private-equity group. This week China's social-security fund said it was in talks with three other private-equity firms—Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, Carlyle Group and TPG—to take a minority stake in one of them. CITIC, China's largest securities firm, said on October 22nd that it would take a 6% stake in Bear Stearns, an embattled American investment bank, via a capital and equity swap; Bear Stearns will get 2% of CITIC in return.
直接控制没那么重要了。中国的买家很乐意对中间公司进行投资,让他们来并购其他公司,这样在其他公司的股份就没那么明显了。中国投资公司已经投资美国的私募基金黑石公司。本周,中国社保基金说它正与三家私募基金商谈,目的是在他们中的某一家取得少量股份,这三家私募基金是Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, Carlyle Group and TPG。10月22日,中国最大的证券公司中信证券宣布,通过资本和股权互换,它将获得正处于困境的美国投资银行贝尔斯登6%的股份;作为回报,贝尔斯登也将获得中信证券2%的股份。

Chinese firms are also accelerating their investments in countries where there is less political resistance, where there is good access to other markets or where they can acquire resources or skills. CIC is said to want to take minority stakes in BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, two mining giants, to make its supply of raw materials more secure. Cash-rich Chinese insurers are said to be hunting for minority stakes in foreign rivals to obtain management skills.

The ICBC/Standard Bank deal fits snugly into this new mould. Instead of trying to buy a global rival, ICBC has taken a minority stake in Africa's largest bank. This way, it can better (and less obviously) direct Chinese investments in a key continent for future energy and commodity supplies. Through further acquisitions of this sort ICBC will become a bank with global capabilities, says ICBC's chairman, Jiang Jianqing. The deal is a small but important step towards making China a country with global capabilities, too.
发表于 2007-11-27 16:03 | 显示全部楼层
都增加h: 你的问题问得很有水准
发表于 2007-11-27 16:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-27 16:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-27 16:24 | 显示全部楼层
[2007.11.17] Shock treatment
Economics focus

Shock treatment震后处理
Nov 15th 2007
From The Economist print edition

Why the economy has absorbed high oil prices fairly easily, and why it may no longer

OIL prices have a special place in economic folklore. The two nastiest global recessions of recent decades were preceded by huge and sudden rises in the price of oil, first in 1973 and then in 1979. These twin spikes, both engineered by the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries limiting its oil shipments, are still the textbook example of an economic “shock”—a sudden change in business conditions. Abrupt increases in the oil price have prompted anxiety about stunted growth ever since.

Higher oil prices hurt the economy because they act like a tax increase. Firms that use oil face higher costs which, if they cannot be passed on in higher prices, might mean that some production becomes unprofitable. Consumers paying more for their petrol and heating oil have less to spend on other things. If they look for higher wages to compensate for a drop in purchasing power, that will only lead to job losses.

Oil-producing countries benefit from higher crude prices so the impact on global demand depends how their extra income is spent. But even if oil windfalls are spent largely on goods produced by oil importers, the abrupt shift in the distribution of global income will still be destabilising.

Given the gloomy history, the lingering unease about higher oil prices is understandable. A demonstration of this came on November 13th when, after a rough few days, stockmarkets rose on news that the oil price had fallen below $93. After all the talk of breaking the three-figure barrier, a drop towards a mere $90 spurred a relief rally.

Yet for all that, something has changed. Today's oil prices would have been unthinkable until very recently. Six years ago, when a barrel of crude could be bought for as little as $20, oil prices at today's levels would have raised fears of deep recession. Notwithstanding the spectre of past oil shocks, crude prices have risen to ever-dizzier heights without derailing a five-year period of strong global growth. But why has the oil bogeyman become less scary? Two new papers* by three well-known economists set out to explain. They come to similar conclusions: oil shocks do not hurt as much because oil is used less intensively than before, because the economy is more flexible and because central banks are better at controlling inflation.


What makes oil special is that it is a uniquely dense and portable form of energy. It is not easy to switch to alternatives very quickly, so disruptions to supply are damaging. Yet improvements in energy efficiency mean dependence on oil is not what it once was. Rich countries use less than half as much oil as they did in 1970 for each inflation-adjusted dollar of GDP. So although prices in real terms have returned to levels last seen in the 1970s, their impact is not as powerful when set against the diminished economic importance of oil (see charts).

The blow from dearer oil is less powerful than it was and compared with their rigid state in the 1970s, today's more flexible economies are better able to take a punch. Higher oil prices have some unavoidable direct consequences on companies' production costs and on prices paid by consumers for oil-derived products. Wider damage to jobs and output depends on how well these increased costs are absorbed. If workers insist on higher cash wages to maintain their spending power, firms' costs will take an additional hit, resulting in lay-offs, higher unemployment and depressed demand. To the extent that workers take it on the chin, accepting higher oil prices as a temporary tax increase that lowers their real take-home pay, the collateral damage will be smaller. The rigidity of the 1970s economies, where union power and indexed contracts meant wages were unyielding, only magnified the adverse effects of oil shocks. Today's flexible jobs markets allow oil shocks to be absorbed less harmfully.

If consumers are more forgiving of oil shocks, it is partly because they have become more accustomed to volatile prices and partly because they have greater trust in policymakers to keep inflation under control. Dearer oil has pushed up consumer prices, but expectations of future price increases have remained remarkably stable. That in turn reflects a belief that central banks will act where necessary to keep a lid on inflation. There is a self-fulfilling aspect to that faith. Employees are less pushy in seeking inflationary wage deals and firms think twice about raising their own prices. As a result, central banks do not need to respond as aggressively as in the past to the inflation caused by higher oil prices. A less jerky monetary policy makes for greater stability.

Pump-action problems油价的问题

Both papers help tell us why oil shocks hurt much less than they used to. But that is not to say that oil prices no longer matter at all. Neither analysis takes the run-up in oil prices over the last year into account. The rise in crude prices since the summer has been rapid even by the standards of the 1970s shocks and comes at a particularly bad time for America, the world's largest oil user. Consumers are now having to absorb a flurry of punches. Falling house prices, tighter credit conditions, rising unemployment, as well as higher prices at the petrol pump, all cloud the outlook for consumer spending.
两份论文都帮助我们了解为什么石油震荡的伤害没有以前大。但是这并不意味着石油价格不再伤害经济了。两份论文中都没有讨论到去年的油价上升。即使用 1970年石油震荡的标准来讲,今夏以来油价也是突然上涨,而且对美国,这世界上最大的石油用户来讲是特别不合时宜。消费者要经受各种打击。房价下跌,信贷紧缩,失业增加,还有油价上涨,所有这些都为消费者支出罩上了阴影。

Moreover, part of the cost of absorbing past oil-price hikes has been higher consumer debt and a huge trade deficit, both of which make America's economy more vulnerable. And though the Federal Reserve's credibility has allowed it to cut interest rates in anticipation of a downturn, the persistence of oil-led inflation may yet shift expectations of future price pressures, forcing the central bank to keep monetary policy on a tighter chain. America's economy no longer has the glass chin that it had in the 1970s. But a combination of powerful blows could still have a shattering impact.

*“The Macroeconomic Effects of Oil Price Shocks: Why are the 2000s So Different From the 1970s?”, by Olivier Blanchard and Jordi Galí. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Working Paper 07-21 (August 2007).

“Who's Afraid of a Big Bad Oil Shock”, by William Nordhaus. Preliminary draft (September 2007) prepared for Brookings Panel on Economic Activity.
发表于 2007-11-27 16:26 | 显示全部楼层
yygyisme 。。请不要刷屏了可以么?谢谢
发表于 2007-11-27 16:27 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-27 16:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-11-27 16:37 | 显示全部楼层


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